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Become or Find A Mentor

The Mentorship Program provides a structure and process to foster the career development and success of early career civil engineers. It provides local engineers with the skills to develop and prepare for growth opportunities critical to their current and future roles.

Make sure to scroll down below to learn more about our Mentorship program. If you or someone you know is interested to participate in our next batch, stay tuned to this page for more information!

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From July 22nd to September 13th, 2024, the ASCE OC YMF Mentorship Committee are accepting applications from prospective protégés and mentors for the 2024-2025 Mentorship Program.

  • Mentors are anyone in the civil engineering and construction industry with at least 10 years of experience.

  • Protégés are individuals in the civil engineering and construction industry who are recent graduates and/or under the age of 35 years old per ASCE Younger Member Forum qualifications.


The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Orange County (OC) Mentorship Program pairs young professionals with experienced engineers to best enhance and guide the young professional’s career and maximize their potential.


The Vision of the ASCE OC Mentorship Program is to provide invaluable guidance to young professionals to establish and attain their goals while providing a meaningful opportunity to experienced engineers to contribute to the Civil Engineering community.



The Mentoring Process is designed to begin and end within a twelve-month period. The program consists of the following activities:

  • Mentor and Protégé enrollment

  • Pairing of Protégés with Mentor

  • Speed Interviews

  • Mentorship Program Kickoff

  • Mentors and Protégés to meet on their own throughout the year

  • Mid-Year Check-In

  • Participants will be encouraged to attend other ASCE OC Events

  • Closing Mentorship Banquet

  • Continuous program feedback

  • Social events for Mentorship participants


Members interested in becoming either mentors or protégés are asked to complete the program forms distributed by ASCE Orange County during the application process. Participants are expected to read the entirety of all documents provided prior to the application process.  Enrollment is limited to, and at the discretion of the Mentorship Committee. There are limited opportunities available to participate and not all applicants may be selected to participate. Participants must be members in good standing (actively enrolled) with ASCE to be eligible.


Following the enrollment, the Mentorship Committee will begin the pairing process based on the choices provided by each mentor and protégé participant. The pairs will be made based on several criteria such as program goals, career discipline, development interest, personality, and the Speed Interview event.  The committee will make an effort to pair individuals with their choices, however, no guarantees shall be made.


The roles and responsibilities for mentors and protégé will be unique to every relationship. The goals set between each mentor and protégé will serve as a guide for their relationship.  The following should be considered between mentorship pairs:

  • Desired outcome from the relationship. What are the goals of this mentoring relationship?

  • Determination of communication techniques.  Multiple and effective means of keeping in touch. Try to anticipate problems before they may arise.  For example, if the mentor travels often, face-to-face meetings may be harder to schedule than meetings by phone.

  • In-person meetings are highly encouraged between scheduled events Setting time aside to have an effective relationship outside of scheduled events.  How often do we meet?  Where or how will we meet?

"The mentorship program is wonderful. It is about personal growth, experience sharing, like a bridge between entry-level and senior engineers. The most important thing I learn from my mentor, Gary Solsona, is how to build self-worth either in the engineering field or an organization, like ASCE. To be specific, one can gain more professional development and connections, by contributing more to one’s company or community, and taking more responsibilities. My mentor emphasizes increasing self-value to me many times, which makes me think deeper and think earlier than others about my career as an entry-level engineer."

Ethan Yuxiang He - Protégé




Once the list of participants is finalized; program participants will be invited to attend the Speed Interview Event.  This event is designed to be a meet and greet which encourages the pairing of compatible mentors and protégés.  This event serves as as a forum to set expectations for the program, provide the necessary tools to start a successful mentor relationship and to answer any questions about successful mentor relationship and to answer any questions about the program. Mentors and protégés will select their top three choices.


The Kick-off event will announce Mentor/Protégé pairings as well as provide an opportunity for mentors and protégés to get to know each other and start building the framework for their relationship. This will be an ideal time for mentors and protégés to establish their goals for the year. the program. Mentors and protégés will select their top three choices.


The Mid-Year Check-In will serve as a method to further strengthen relationships built while providing an opportunity for adjustments and evaluation of individual goals set forth during the Kick-Off event.  The event will also assess the effectiveness of the mentorship program, resources, and mentoring relationships.


This event concludes the program year and provides an opportunity to show appreciation to those who have participated.  This event will be social and will include an opportunity to provide feedback for improving future program years as new mentor and protégé relationships are paired and developed.


Mentorship Program Committee Chair

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