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A Civil Engineering Student Summer Program

Established in 2019, the ASCE Orange County Pathways Academy is a three-part summer program that introduces university students to the various civil engineering disciplines through our "Engineering Your Future" Speaker Series, office tour seminars, and valuable professional networking opportunities. The goal of this program is to provide students with a sneak peek of what it's really like to work in the civil engineering industry in a fun, unique, and intimate setting. It bridges the gap between academia and industry by encouraging students to explore all their potential career options. We are so excited to empower the engineering journeys of our student scholars!

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1. You must be a registered ASCE Student Member attending a university.

2. You must complete the Pathways Academy Scholarship Program Application by the deadline.

3. You must upload an unofficial transcript and a headshot in your application.

4. You MUST commit to attending all three parts of the Pathways Academy Program

5. A letter of recommendation from a university professor, internship supervisor, student chapter leader, or ASCE OC YMF/Branch Board Member is recommended but not required. Sponsorship opportunities are also available for our industry partners. 

“The ASCE OC Pathways Academy has been a rewarding experience that exceeded my expectations in every way. Getting a glimpse of all the different career routes really put into perspective how fascinating and impactful Civil Engineering is.”




Students will have the opportunity to hear 20-min. Lighting talks from private sector professionals working in the six main Civil Engineering disciplines: Structural, Water/Environmental, Transportation, Geotechnical, Construction, & Land Development. Professionals will share the scope and career paths of their respective disciplines, interesting projects they have worked on, highlights of their career journey, and how students can best prepare for their respective disciplines. This virtual 4- hour event will also feature an overview of 3 prominent public agencies, a panel of early-career professionals, and group networking sessions.



25 Pathways Academy Student Scholars will have the opportunity to do a deeper dive into the six civil engineering disciplines by attending Office Tour seminars hosted by private firms in Orange County. These virtual Office Tour seminars will allow students to learn about real-world design and construction projects, participate in interactive activities to better understand the disciplines, and network and learn from experienced engineers from their firm.



At this end-of-the-program celebration, the university students and participating companies will each share their experience in the Program and be presented with their certificates. The event will conclude with a keynote presentation hosted by the Pathways Academy Committee.



As a capstone part of the program, each Pathways Academy Scholar will have the opportunity to attend a one-day immersive externship at one of the participating office tour companies in August. The schedule and itineraries will be uniquely prepared by the hosting companies and will allow the Scholar to learn more about the company’s projects and people in an intimate setting.



Pathways Academy Program Committee Chair

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