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ASCE OC YMF JEDI: Literacy Sessions - The Role of Social Equity in Infrastructure Panel

Updated: Jan 27

On Wednesday, October 30th, OC YMF ASCE hosted their first JEDI Literacy Session with the topic “The Role of Social Equity in Infrastructure.” It featured four infrastructure leaders in the Planning, Civil, Traffic, and Construction sectors from across multiple agencies and firms.

On behalf of the ASCE OC YMF JEDI Committee, thank you so much to our industry panelists Isamar Escobar, Rafael Cobian, Reuben Tolentino, and Tina Hanson, for sharing their experiences and providing insightful discussions about this very important topic! Thank you to our moderator, Juan M. Alonso, for facilitating the conversation and to our attendees for their questions and sharing their perspectives in the topic. Below are a few of the attendee testimonials we've received about the event (so far)!

  • "I appreciated the stories the panel shared. It reminded me that our projects continue beyond us. Thank you guys for hosting!”

  • “I enjoyed that the panelists were both private and public and each had a different specialization. The questions were good, and each panelist gave a wide perspective of answers.”

  • “Very well-organized event. It’s good to hear from local, county, and federal agencies on the topic.”

Did you miss our first JEDI event of the fiscal year? Don't fret! Join us at next ASCE OC YMF: JEDI Cultural History Night or Literacy Session!

For any questions, please contact!


About the Author:

Marionne Lapitan is a Traffic/ITS Engineer at Jacobs. She received her BS in Civil Engineering at CSU Long Beach in 2019 and MS in Civil Engineering at Cal Poly Pomona in 2023. She is currently the ASCE OC YMF President and ASCE National Committee on Pre-College Outreach Member. Actively involved in various professional organizations, she is passionate about designing and building communities, both structurally and socially. She aims to make a difference in the world through civil engineering in hopes of building a brighter future for the next generation. She also enjoys traveling, graphic designing, and reading books in her free time. Marionne can be contacted via or LinkedIn.

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