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As part of our Member Appreciation Program, we are showcasing a member in our bi-monthly Board Member Spotlight. Our member spotlight recognizes members for their outstanding contributions to the profession and our local communities. For any questions regarding the program please email




Danny Mejia


Design Engineer
Community Service Committee Member
ASCE Orange County Younger Member Forum


Where did you grow up?
Southern California

What made you want to become an engineer?
I wanted a challenging career that would allow me to make a difference in my community and protect the environment.

Favorite hobbies, sports, and interests outside of engineering?
Classical guitar, Jiu-Jitsu, trading cards, board games.

Finish this sentence: On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me...
on a hiking trail!

What college(s) did you attend? Can you list your degrees, any honors, and involvement in engineering organizations during school?
BS in Civil Engineering from Cal State Long Beach, was an officer in the ASCE student chapter. MS in Environmental/Water Recourse Engineering from Cal Poly Pomona.


Describe your responsibilities and some significant projects.
I provide design and construction support services on many wastewater treatment and conveyance projects. My favorite project has been being part of the design team for a brand-new wastewater treatment plant, projects like this are rare.

What project are you currently working on and what have you accomplished/what are your tasks? 
Currently working as the Project Engineer on multiple sewer conveyance construction projects. My duties include responding to submittals and solving urgent issues that arise during construction.

What is your favorite part about being a Civil Engineer?
The positive impact that my work has on the community.

What skills do you find most valuable to focus on in your career?
Some of the best skills to have in my profession are organization, communication, and the ability to work in teams effectively.

What drew you to your specific career path? If you could start your career differently, what would you do differently?
I was always interested in science and math and knew I wanted a career in which I could use both. I also always cared about our environment and water recourses so Civil Engineering (Water/Wastewater) was the obvious choice for me.


How/Why did you get involved? Why did you choose to stay involved?
I got involved as a student and stayed involved because of the many ways ASCE helps me grow as a person and engineer, as well as gives me opportunities to volunteer and help the community.

How has ASCE impacted your work and/or what is your favorite benefit of your involvement?
I wouldn't have had the success that I've had in my career if it wasn't for ASCE. From helping me find my first internship, to my current position, the networking and skills I've learned through ASCE have been very beneficial.

Who is someone you Admire and Why?
I admire my parents. They gave it their all with what they had and made it possible for me pursue my dreams.

If you have one piece of advice to give to young professionals what would it be?
Ask a lot of questions! There is so much to learn in this industry. The best way to do so is to ask those who have been there and done that. Don't be shy!

Lastly, what would be your personal motto?
Follow your passion. If you love what you do and are motivated to learn as much as you can, you'll achieve success at the highest levels.


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